*The tron shows highlights of The Bullet and Nightmare’s cage match. The match finishes and shows MR WS congratulate Nightmare, we see the Nightmare beating ended by Grave Tavern. *


*An explosion of pyrotechnics take off across the entrance ramp, as the arena lights return the camera shoots around the crowd signs include “I’M ON T.V.” and “Hi Mom”. The camera then pans down to Alex Landville and Lightning King. *

Alex: The Pepsi Center, Denver Colorado is sold out for FWF Monday Night Blastoff, and tonight King. Nightmare takes on the boss.

King: That’s right Landy, Nightmare taking on MR WS. What a match, and also Arch Angel taking on L.A.S.

Alex: An excellent career boost for L.A.S. the World Lightweight Champion taking on the World Heavyweight Champion.

*Camera shoots backstage and shows John Robinson, standing outside the boiler room he is pacing up and down. *

Alex: Also, John Robinson is at the Boiler Room as we hope to catch a word with Arch Angel later tonight.

*“For Whom The Bell Tolls” by Metallica hits the PA system, the arena lights cut off as a spotlight flies up the entrance ramp. Hell’s Guardian appears and marches down the entrance ramp in time to the song. He reaches the ring, and throws his hair back as the arena lighting returns and fireworks take off out of each ringpost. Hell’s Guardian turns and shouts to the crowds, they boo him*

Wright: The next match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the FWF European Championship. In the ring standing at 7’0” tall and weighing in at 326lbs HELL’S GUARDIAN!

*“Drag you Down” by Finger 11 hits the PA system, the fans give a mixed reaction as Blaine Chambers emerges from the backstage area. He looks around the crowds, and walks cockily down the entrance ramp. He climbs the steel steps and slowly enters the ring*

Alex: Blaine not showing too much fear, as he is stepping into the ring with Hell’s Guardian.

[Hell’s Guardian springs onto Blaine with a chokehold, he pushed Blaine into the corner, the referee pushes Guardian off. Guardian takes a few steps before catching a kick to the mid-section; Blaine falls to his knees holding his ribs. Guardian lifts Blaine to a vertical position and whips him off the ropes he goes for a big boot but Blaine ducks it and catches a clothesline, Guardian loses his balance and falls. Blaine goes for a quick cover but Guardian quickly throws Blaine off. Blaine goes for a quick armbar but Guardian athletically rolls out of it, and lifts Blaine for a fall away slam. He throws Blaine across the ring; Blaine is still holding his ribs.]

Alex: Blaine seems in some pain, after that kick in the beginning of the match King.

King: Your telling me.

[Guardian squats and starts to talk some trash to Blaine, who is pulling himself up on the ropes. Blaine turn and meets Guardians hand around his throat, Guardian signals for Hell Frozen Over, but Blaine catches a couple of kicks of his own to the mid-section followed by a spinebuster. Blaine holds his back, as he rolls out the ring. He searches under the ring, and pulls out a wooden table.]

King: What’s he doing this isn’t a hardcore match.

[He sets it up outside the ring, and returns to the ring, Hell’s Guardian to up to a knee. Blaine delivers a few right hands before dragging Hell’s Guardian to the side of the ring. Blaine leaves the ring to the apron and hooks up a front face lock.]

Alex: Oh My! Blaine looking for a suplex out the ring, and through the table King.

King: NO WAY!

[Blaine attempts the suplex a few times, but Guardian quickly reverses and suplexes Blaine back into the ring. Both men lay out in the middle of the ring for a little while; Paul West starts to countout both stars. As West reaches 6 Blaine springs himself up, as he begins to look pumped, he stalks Guardian who is also slowly getting to his feet. Guardian turns, as Blaine lifts Guardian high in a press slam position and he slams Hell’s Guardian]

Alex: WHAT THE F**K?

King: How strong is Blaine?

Alex: I think Blaine might be able to taste a victory right here King.

[Guardian gets himself up, and ducks as Blaine goes for a clothesline. Blaine instead catches the referee, Blaine checks the ref. However Guardian is squatted behind Blaine again, Blaine turns as Guardian grabs Blaine again. Blaine is gasping for air as Hell’s Guardian lifts him high in the air, he swings him round but as he slams Blaine, Blaine wraps his legs round Guardian’s neck and hurricarana’s Guardian. Guardian is out; Blaine looks around the crowds he shouts abit of abuse as he climbs the turnbuckle meanwhile crazy lil nigga runs down the ramp with a steel chair. He slides into the ring, and smashes it over Blaine’s head Blaine falls off the top rope. Nigga smashes the chair into the gut of Blaine drops the chair and connects with a scissor kick onto the chair. Nigga grabs the chair and hides by the ring, Guardian crawls to Blaine with a cover, the referee slowly counts 1…….. 2………3]


*“For Whom The Bell Tolls” hits the PA system, as Paul West hands Hell’s Guardian his title. Nigga returns to the ring and lifts Hell’s Guardian’s arm. Guardian turns and looks down at nigga, nigga looks for a handshake. Hell’s Guardian smiles and grabs his hand, nigga goes mad with excitement as he runs around the ring taunting the fans but he runs into Hell’s Guardian who lifts him high in a press slam position, he walks around the ring and tosses nigga out the ring and through the table that Blaine set up earlier. Nigga lays out on the table, as Blaine grabs a mic*

Blaine: *puffing a bit* I got to hand it to you Guardian, I ain’t never been beat so bad before. But I wouldn’t have lost this match had it not been for this nigga, nigga I want you in a match at Raging Storm, but I want a massive stipulation added to the match. I saw you perform from the first day you entered the FWF, and the very sight of you makes me sick. So in our match, the loser will be fired from the FWF. So basically when I beat your ass into the mat, you will be out of the FWF forever!

Alex: Oh My! Blaine and nigga at Raging Storm, and the loser is fired

*“Drag you Down” hits the PA system, as Blaine heads off up the ramp. The camera then shoots to John Robinson standing with a very disturbed looking Arch Angel*

Robinson: Archangel last time we saw you experience your first loss.

*Arch Angel grabs Robinson by the throat and looks him directly in the eye.*

Arch: You listen to me you little worm, your lucky I even let you lay your eyes on me let alone ask me idiotic questions week after week, and yet you still do not show me the proper respect. Now get out of my sight!

*Angel grabs the mic from Robinson and shoves him off screen.*

Arch: I promise what happened last Friday in that tag match will never happen again, and I am going to prove it tonight in my match against L.A.S. Now L.A.S I want you to listen very closely because I have an offer of a lifetime for you. Even though you haven’t earned it, I am willing to put MY FWF Championship on the line in our match *Crowd Cheer*. BUT I want something in return, if you want the title shot then our match will be an ULTIMATE SIN MATCH. The fact of the matter is last week Big Venis and Extreme awoke the devil inside me and tonight L.A.S you are going to be the sacrificial lamb that gets burnt in the fires of hell.


Alex: Welcome back to Blastoff and what a show it’s been and it’s only just begun King

King: Your right there Landy, Arch Angel is putting his World Title on the line tonight but under the Ultimate Sin rulings.

Alex: What is an Ultimate Sin match?

King: Your guess is as good as mine.

*Camera shoots to MR WS’s locker room, he has his back to the camera, and is sitting in a leather chair.*

MR WS: I don’t know who it was, who attacked me earlier in the week. But my money is on Nightmare, and when I get my mits on you Nightmare, you will learn the meaning of the word PAIN!

*MR WS spins in his chair 2 reveal a black eye*

Alex: MR WS is pissed off King

King: When the boss is pissed beware

Alex: Well now is the Ultimate Sin match, where Arch Angel and L.A.S. will meet for the FWF World Title.

King: Finally we find out what an Ultimate Sin match is then.

*“Going Under” by Evascence hits the PA system, as L.A.S. emerges from the backstage area to receive a huge crowd cheer. L.A.S. shouts some stuff to the fans, before sprinting down to the ring and sliding in. He poses on the top rope for the fans.*

Alex: L.A.S. a new man, with a new entrance theme

King: I don’t know what happened to him, he used to be cool you know.

*“St Anger” hits the PA system, as the cheers turn to jeers. Arch Angel comes out with a microphone and stops at the top of the entrance ramp.*

Arch: Well L.A.S. you seem awfully confident don’t you? I suppose that’s because you don’t know the rulings of an Ultimate Sin match.

*L.A.S. shakes his head*

Arch: FWF Crew, lower the cell

*Arch gets a sadistic smile on his face, as two steel walls get lowered to make half a cage. One side of the cage is covered in weapons including kendo sticks and a lead pipe. The cell falls around L.A.S. who’s cocky smile is now gone, he looks worried round the cage. Arch Angel walks down the ramp, as he enters the ring L.A.S. grabs a kendo stick and smashes it into the gut of Arch Angel. Angel falls, L.A.S. cracks it over the back of Angel. L.A.S. lifts Angel on his shoulder and rams Angel’s head into the steel wall, Angel is down on the mat he has started bleeding. The crowd are getting behind L.A.S. as he lifts Arch Angel and sits himself on the turnbuckle.]

Alex: Is this the DDT Highlight that L.A.S. said is his finisher?

[L.A.S. locks in a front face lock and delivers a tornado DDT. The fans go crazy chanting “L.A.S. L.A.S.” L.A.S. pins Arch Angel 1….2…3]


Alex: OH MY GOD! He’s done it

King: What?

*“Going Under” by Evascence hits the PA system, as Paul West hands L.A.S. the World Title belt. L.A.S. climbs up the cage wall and holds the title over his head tears in his eyes. The fans are going crazy. Suddenly “Shoot Me Again” by Metallica hits the PA system, The Bullet comes out with a mic also*

Bullet: hey, hey, Hey, Hey, Hey L.A.S. you are not the FWF World Champion.

King: WHAT?

Alex: Not the champ?

Bullet: Because Arch Angel thought this might happen and went through the rules with me, this match can only end on a submission or if your opponent says “I Quit”. So as Arch Angel did not tap out, and did not say he quits this match shall continue.

King: HA HA HA!

Alex: That’s annoying, L.A.S. should not deserve to spend that amount of time to celebrate.

[Arch Angel pulls the lead pipe off the cage wall, L.A.S. turns to Arch Angel. Angel smashes the lead pipe across the arm of L.A.S. L.A.S. falls to the mat holding his arm and screaming in pain. Angel finds a steel chain tied up on the cage, he unties is and slings it across the back of L.A.S. he then grabs a mic from the announce position.]

Angel: L.A.S. do you quit?


[Angel locks in an armbar on L.A.S. L.A.S. starts screaming in agony.]

Alex: Arch Angel really working on the arm of L.A.S. then again this could be the best way for Angel to get L.A.S. to either tap or admit defeat.

King: And that’s Landy’s two cents!

[L.A.S. manages to wriggle free from the armbar, by rolling Angel over himself. L.A.S. gets up and is holding his shoulder tightly, he lifts Angel and throws him to the outside of the ring. He turns to the security wall and removes the padding from it, he grabs Angel and whips him into the metal of the wall. He then grabs the mic from referee Paul West.]

L.A.S.: So Angel you had enough, or do you want some more?

Angel: Hit me with your best you son of a bitch

[L.A.S. connects with a couple of right hands, he then grabs William Wright’s seat and digs it into the gut of Angel. L.A.S. then moves back and squats as he waits for Angel to get up. As Angel leans back on the wall L.A.S. runs at Angel for a spear, but Angel quickly moves out the way as L.A.S.’s shoulder smashes into the steel wall. He falls with a scream of pain holding his arm and shoulder. Arch Angel taps his head and smiles.]

Alex: So Arch Angel was playing possum.

King: Clever Man.

[Angel picks up the chair, and folds it onto L.A.S.’s arm. Angel goes up top, and delivers a top rope stomp onto the chair.]


[L.A.S. rolls around on the floor in pain, he his holding his arm.]

Alex: For the love of god, L.A.S.’s arm may have broken in half

King: Meh, who cares its only L.A.S.

[Arch Angel grabs the mic.]

Angel: Well L.A.S. what do you say?

L.A.S.: O.K., No More Angel you win…..I QUIT!


*“St Anger” restarts as Paul West raises Angel’s arm, and hands Angel the title.*

Alex: Well after a hard fought match, L.A.S. had to admit defeat or risk severe injury.

King: He had to bow down to the Earth God.

Alex: Well that’s debatable.

*Camera shoots to John Robinson and Crazy lil Nigga, they are on an interview set*

Robinson: Well Crazy lil Nigga, up next you face the Bullet, but what are your views on the offer from Blaine?

Nigga: Well all I can say is Blaine, it’ll be a pleasure to end your career at Raging Storm. And as for The Bullet, your just gonna be a warm up for Blaine.

Robinson: And what about the recent helpings you have been conducting towards the New Church

Nigga: Well I am trying to join them, but they don’t realise what a great star I am, so there not letting me join. But after I show you my abilities and prove myself against the Bullet, you will see I am fit for the New Church.

*Nigga walks off. “Shoot Me Again” hits the PA system as The Bullet comes out. The crowd boo The Bullet as he confidently enters the ring, he grabs the mic*

Alex: Haven’t we heard enough from this man?

Bullet: I’m pissed off, *crowd boo* Not only do you jackasses not show me any respect, but also my very own announce team don’t. Landville and King, you have called MR WS “the boss” 2 or 3 times, remember this is jointly owned you bastards. I’m just as powerful as him, and I could sack you anytime I wanted.

Alex: I wish he’d shut up

King: I agree

*King grabs a microphone*

King: Hey Bullet, you got beef with us well sort it

*The Bullet goes to leave the ring, but he has not noticed nigga is in the ring*

Alex: Is that…

*Nigga attacks The Bullet, and Paul West signals for the bell to ring. Nigga has the upper hand, kicking The Bullet down every time he tries to fight back up.*

King: Look at The Bullet. Nigga looks good in this match tonight.

*The Bullet places a nice thumb to Nigga’s eye, afterwards getting yelled at not to do that again by Paul West. Nigga goes down, and Bullet starts kicking on him. He walks over to the ropes closest to Alex and King and starts shouting at them. He turns, only to be knocked down by Nigga once again*

Alex: Nigga took Bullet down hard that time.

King: Maybe that would teach him to just focus, even though I know it’s hard.

*The Bullet’s holding his head, and Nigga starts posing in the ring. While he poses, The Bullet stands up once again, still holding his head. Nigga kicks The Bullet in the gut, causing him to bend over. He bounces off the ropes, but as he attempts the Scissors Kick, the Bullet stands straight. Nigga looks at him in dismay, and attempts another kick in the stomach. This time, he lands the Scissors Kick. Blaine Chambers runs out from the back area as Nigga covers The Bullet, and Paul West begins counting…*

Alex: Yes, Nigga might just win this match, but what is Blaine Chambers doing out here?

King: Well, we have seen a lot of The Bullets cronies lately.

*King drops his headset, and runs towards the ring, in case Chambers tries to enter. Paul West stops the count at 2, and jumps up, shouting at King. Nigga uncovers, and just stares at West, not sure what to do. About that time, Blaine slides in, spins Nigga around, and drops him with the Chamber Drop. He pulls The Bullet over onto Nigga, and slides out, runs around the ring at King. Paul West turns around, and starts to count. 1…2… KICK OUT!*

Alex: Nigga just kicked out of the Chamber Drop?! What is to be done now? King is fighting Chambers, and Nigga might have the upper hand.

*Bullet fights his way up before Nigga can, and calls for The Torpedo. He lifts Nigga up on his shoulders, spins him around, and plants his face in the mat. He rolls over into the cover, and Paul West starts counting. 1…2…3! The Bullet wins! Blaine Chambers stares at King, lying practically lifeless for now. He hears the bell ring, and turns, seeing The Bullet’s hand raised in victory. He slides in and grabs the Bullets other hand, raising it. *

Alex: What have we seen here tonight? King has been beaten down, thanks to Blaine Chambers, Nigga lost because of Blaine Chambers, and the Bullet has won? What will MR WS and the Bullet do now about my commentary next segment?!

*Camera shoots to MR WS’s office, he is dressed in his wrestling attire of a black vest and jeans with a glove on his right hand and a wristband on his left. He is talking to a mystery person.*

MR WS: Now you know how I hate to call on my stars in times of need, but you’re the only man here suitable to do the job. I need you to go out and commentate in place of Lightning King

Alex: Well it seems I have a new partner for right now….but who?

*“Raise Up” by Saliva hits the PA system, as Big Venis appears from the backstage area. The fans go crazy for him as he pumps up the crowd. He is wearing the infamous Big V TV shirts. They roll into the ring and pose on the top rope for the fans. *

Wright: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Big Venis.

Alex: Well Big Venis not scheduled to be here tonight; I wonder what his plans are.

*Venis leaves the ring, and sits with Alex Landville he puts his feet up on the table and leans back in his chair against the security wall. He points to a few women in the crowd and blows some kisses*

Alex: So Venis, you helping me out now?

Venis: It would seem so, Mr Landville. Come to check out all the hot chicks in Denver.

Alex: Well you need to call the match as well.

Venis: O.K. I guess

*The arena lights cut out, and a wall of fire takes off across the entrance way as “Back in Black” hits the PA system, MR WS emerges from the fire as he cockily struts down the entrance ramp. The fans go crazy for him; he claps hands with a few fans as he rolls into the ring. He goes to the top rope and poses on it. *

Wright: The next match is a hardcore match, introducing first the co-owner of the FWF…. MR WS.

Venis: Now this man is god, o.k. He’s the co-owner he works his ass off for us. And yet The Bullet shows him no thanks, The Bullet needs to know its MR WS that keeps this company going.

Alex: Well The Bullet does do most of the funding you know.

Venis: What’s money without talent?

Alex: I don’t no, I think you should ask crazy lil nigga.

*They both laugh*

*“Anema” by Tool hits the PA system, the crowd boo for a pissed off looking Nightmare. He stomps down the ramp, and climbs into the ring. Both him and MR WS stare each other in the eye. *

Alex: Well, this is a hardcore match. And it was bought about by a brutal attack on MR WS, by Nightmare.

Venis: You see if MR WS weren’t such a man of pride, he would have probably booked me in this match.

Alex: So can we expect to see you two sometime?

Venis: Venis doesn’t back down from a challenge if Nightmare brings it…. I’ll return it.

[MR WS slaps Nightmare and connects with a kick to the mid-section. Nightmare falls back into the corner as MR WS hits with a combination of martial arts kicks, Nightmare falls in the corner MR WS steps and back and runs connecting with a bronco buster. The fans go wild, as Nightmare rolls out the ring; MR WS also slides out and begins to follow Nightmare.]

Venis: I thought this Nightmare wasn’t afraid of anything.

Alex: Well maybe he fears the boss, sorry I mean co-boss.

Venis: Don’t worry if Bullet tries anything, I’ll plant him

Alex: Nice to feel safe.

[MR WS reaches under the ring, and pulls out a table. He slides it into the ring, and leans it in the corner of the ring.]

Venis: Now you see, MR WS wants one of my concrete tables.

Alex: Did you bring one?

Venis: Of course not!

[Nightmare crawls in, MR WS picks up Nightmare but Nightmare reverses and hits WS with a few right hands. A big boot sends MR WS back onto the table, Nightmare lifts MR WS by the top of his jeans and the top of his vest and throws MR WS head first through the table.]

Venis: Now MR WS is lucky that weren’t a concrete table

Alex: Well you certainly are Mr Talkative.

[MR WS is lying out on the mat, blood begins to flow down his face. Nightmare lifts him and bounces WS’s head off the turnbuckle. Nightmare goes off the ropes but MR WS ducks the big boot attempt and springs up with a spinning kick to the chin. MR WS looks around the crowd with his face a crimson mask, the crowds give him a huge pop as he cracks an evil smile. He slides out the ring, and pulls out a ladder. He sets this up against the ring, and returns to the ring. He grabs Nightmare in a headlock but Nightmare quickly lifts MR WS and drops him with a backdrop. MR WS falls holding his neck, Nightmare stomps a couple of times at MR WS followed by a diving elbow to the back.]

Alex: Nightmare really working on MR WS right now

Venis: Yea, a little too much for my liking.

*Venis jumps up, and attracts Nightmare’s attention. Nightmare looks round and begins to taunt Venis, Venis returns with some taunts of his own. Eventually Nightmare leaves the ring and squares up to Big Venis, Venis pushes Nightmare back lightly and turns to the fans pumping them up as they chant “Venis, Venis”. Nightmare looks around the crowd, smiles and then knocks down Venis with a right hand.*

Alex: Oh My! Now I am no longer safe, all my associates are gone.

[Nightmare turns back to the ring, as MR WS springboards off the top rope and shooting star presses onto Nightmare. Nightmare falls back onto the table as the fans go wild]


[Nightmare and MR WS are both laid out. But MR WS rolls slowly into a cover 1…2…..kick out.]

Alex: Wow Nightmare showing his will to beat MR WS.

[Nightmare rolls out of the pin and gets himself up, he finds his feet and lifts MR WS. He grabs MR WS round the throat and choke tosses him into the ring, Nightmare steps over the top rope but MR WS springs up bounces off the ropes and catches a super kick. Nightmare falls back as MR WS connects with a kick to the mid-section followed by a WS DDT. The fans go crazy as MR WS points to the ladder.]

Venis: I’m back, and now I want that S.O.B.

[MR WS climbs out the ring, and up the ladder. WS signals for a shooting star press, he dives and flips but Nightmare moves out the way. MR WS falls flat on the mat, he rolls around holding his ribs, as Venis slides in and locks Nightmare in position for the Roll of Dice. However Nightmare reverses and delivers a big boot to Venis, Venis is down as Nightmare pins MR WS. 1…..2……..3]


*“Anema” by Tool restarts as Nightmare taunts the fans. He receives a heap of boo from this*

Alex: Well what a match that was, and that’s about it from all of us here in the FWF goodnight.