*Camera opens to MR WS’s office, his phone is ringing. He runs to the phone but the answer machine comes on, he signals “meh…I don’t care” and continues to un-pack his stuff.*

Machine: Hello MR WS? It’s Lexi again, look I’ve made a decision if your going to ignore me, then I’m going to take a trip to the man upstairs

*MR WS turns to the phone, with a face of shock he lifts the phone*

MR WS: Hello? Lexi? LEXI?!

*MR WS slams the phone down*

MR WS: Dammit….Piece of shit


*A pyrotechnic display takes off across the entrance ramp, as the arena lights return the camera pans round the arena. Signs include “I’ll be the ref for raging” and “MEEP!”. The camera pans down to Alex Landville and Lightning King. *

Alex: Oh yes, FWF is back for another stunner of a show, are you ready King?

King: I’m ready…. but what’s the deal with these signs saying MEEP?

Alex: Concentrate on the action, and maybe you’ll find you don’t care. Tonight we will see The Bullet take on Nightmare is Nightmare’s in-ring debut in a cage match. Also the highly anticipated announcing of the special referee for the “Burn in Hell” Match at Raging Storm.

King: Who’s it going to be?

*Camera shoots to The Bullet walking down a corridor, he reaches the boiler room. A big smile fills his face as he walks in*

Alex: Well what part will the New Church play in the cage match?

King: You never know

*“London’s Calling” by The Clash hits the PA system as Destroy the Spinless emerges from the backstage area. The fans go mad for him as he sprints down the ramp he rolls into the ring and poses for the fans.*

Wright: Ladies and Gentlemen the next match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from London, England…. DESTROY THE SPINLESS!!

Alex: A man, who is not afraid of anything-here King

King: More like a man, who relies on killing himself so he doesn’t have to fight.

*“Can You Dig It?” by WWE hits the PA system as Crazy lil nigga emerges from the backstage area, he cockily struts down the ramp. He enters the ring and poses on the turnbuckle; he receives a mixed reaction from the fans. *

King: Well this guy never speaks does he?

[Spinless and nigga exchange right hands, this fistfight continues a while before Spinless catches a strong clothesline which knocks nigga down, and onto the outside. Nigga walks around the ring, to recover himself. Spinless leans over the ropes calling for nigga to get back in, nigga grabs Spinless’s head, Spinless bounces off the ropes and falls back. Nigga climbs in and covers him 1…2…kick out! Nigga lifts Spinless, whips him into the ropes he bends over for a shoulder back toss but Spinless slides down and delivers a throat thrust to Nigga. Nigga falls; as Spinless springs up and gives a thumbs up to the crowd they give a quick pop. Spinless goes to lift Nigga, but nigga catches a kick to Spinless’s knee, followed by a spinning kick.]

Alex: Wow, I’ve never seen Nigga do something like that before!

King: I’ve never seen nigga knock someone down before…HAHAHA!

[Nigga climbs the ropes and poses for the crowd, before connecting with a senton bomb.]

Alex: Nigga showing a very athletic and high-flying version of himself.

[Nigga goes for the cover 1…2.kick out. Nigga sits in shock, before his face turns to one of thought, he lifts Spinless and connects with a kick to the mid-section he bounces off the ropes and attempts a scissor kick, but as he goes for the kick Spinless lifts his head and grabs nigga’s leg reversing it into a spinning powerbomb.]

Alex: Goodnight nigga

King: Did you hear that impact?!

[cover 1…2…..kick out. Spinless gets up and calls for the Yamahamaslama. Suddenly The Bullet runs down the ramp, shoves the ref over and turns Spinless, he lifts Spinless on his shoulders and delivers a Torpedo. Crazy lil Nigga crawls over to Spinless and lays an arm over him, Bullet revives the referee who counts 1……..2………3.]


*“Can You Dig It?” by WWE hits the PA system, as The Bullet raises Nigga and lifts him arm.*

Alex: Well with the help of the Bullet, nigga wins this thing. But what’s this deal? The Bullet and Crazy lil Nigga.

*The Bullet hasn’t taken down nigga’s arm, he turns to nigga with a smile. His face suddenly changes as he kicks nigga and gives him a torpedo too. The Bullet looks around the crowd, he starts laughing as “Shoot Me Again” hits the PA system. The Bullet leaves the ring, and returns to the backstage area.*


*Camera shoots to MR WS, he is on his mobile waiting for the other person to pick up.*

MR WS: Come on, ANSWER!…Oh Hi….yea….really?….*laughs*…you could also fool me…*laughs*….you’ll be here tonight?…O.K. that’s cool, I’ll wait out for you…O.K. see ya soon

*MR WS puts the phone down, a road agent comes in*

Agent: MR WS….he’s here


Agent: Yea, shall I invite him in

MR WS: Of course, send him to my room at once.

Alex: Who was on the phone?….Who’s the referee?

King: What makes you think it was the referee?

Alex: Too many questions king. Two’s a company three’s a crowd.

*“Bring Me To Life” by Evascence hits the PA system, the fans go wild as L.A.S. appears from the backstage area. He looks around the arena, he claps his hands above his head to pump the fans up some more. He runs down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. He rolls into the ring and poses on the top rope. The fans are in a frenzy.*

Alex: Wow, L.A.S. is Mr Popular tonight wouldn’t you say?

King: I thought after your break you might have stopped stating the obvious.

*"Drag You Down" by Finger 11 hits the PA system, the fans boo as Blaine Chambers emerges from the backstage area. He takes his time as he walks down the ramp, he walks up the stairs and enters the ring slowly.*

Alex: Blaine, taking his time here. Maybe to wind up L.A.S. King?

King: Probably

Alex: Thanks for the enthusiasm.

[Blaine and L.A.S. lock up in an elbow tieup, but Blaine overpowers and knocks L.A.S. into the corner. Blaine takes a few steps back, before charging at L.A.S. and squashing him in the corner. L.A.S. falls in the turnbuckle, as Blaine digs in the boots with a few mudhole stomps. He then lifts L.A.S. and whips him into the ropes followed up by a spinebuster, he goes for the cover 1….2kick out. Blaine gets up as L.A.S. reaches a knee, Blaine bounces off the ropes and attempts a bulldog, but L.A.S. ducks and dropkicks Blaine. L.A.S. climbs the ropes and pumps the crowds, he get a pop for his troubles but L.A.S. does not notice Blaine is back up, as L.A.S. gets powerbombed off the top rope, Blaine is on his knees as he falls back onto his back. L.A.S. is flat out, as Blaine goes for the cover 1..2….kick out. Blaine gets a few stomps on L.A.S., before he climbs the ropes himself. He then dives off and delivers a Jerry Lawler like fist drop. He goes for the cover 1..2…..kick out, both Blaine and L.A.S. get themselves up. Both men are groggy and engage in a short fistfight, eventually L.A.S. catches the stronger blow and Blaine falls to the floor. L.A.S. lifts Blaine onto the top rope and climbs the ropes himself in position for a superplex. L.A.S. succeeds in this and both men lay out on the floor. The ref begins to count them out, he reaches 6 as L.A.S. begins to move again, he picks up Blaine but Blaine grabs L.A.S. and drops him into a jawbreaker. L.A.S. falls to the mat, Blaine goes for the cover 1….2……..kick out.]

Alex: That was a long two count.

[Blaine pounds L.A.S.’s forehead, before lifting him and nailing an atomic drop. He goes for the cover 1…..2…….3]


*“Drag You Down” restarts as the referee lifts Blaine’s hand for the victory.*

Wright: Here is your winner….BLAINE CHAMBERS!

*The fans remain un-impressed and boo Blaine, as he returns to the backstage area*

Alex: That was a hell of a match folks, but up next is an even bigger match The New Church members Arch Angel and Hell’s Guardian take on the team of Big Venis and Extreme.

King: There’s no doubt the New Church are gonna teach Venis and Extreme the same lesson they did last time.

*Camera shoots to a corridor, where Hell’s Guardian and Arch Angel are walking down it.*

Angel: Come on man, we know we’re the best the same as we did before big man. Teach them what it means to cross the new church. How you feeling?

Guardian: Have you ever tasted blood Archie?

Angel: No, not properly

Guardian: Well after I’m done beating them punks, they will have lost so much, that is will be impossible to not taste it.

Angel: Oh I like that H.G. Let’s go make it a reality


*“St Anger” by Metallica hits the PA system, the arena lights cut out as a spotlight flies up the entrance ramp, this reaches the top of the ramp and reveals Hell’s Guardian and Arch Angel at the top of it. They walk down the ramp looking ready for business. The fans are booing them, but both men remain un-affected by anything. They enter the ring, as Angel raises his hands the arena lights return. *

Wright: The next tag match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first the team of Hell’s Guardian and Arch Angel…. The New Church!

*“Raise Up” by Saliva hits the PA system, the fans go wild as Big Venis and Extreme both appear from the backstage area. They both are holding cans of beer, they smash them together and neck the cans, before sprinting down the entrance ramp. As they slide into the ring, the new church leave. Venis and Extreme go on the top ropes and pose for the fans, the fans are going mental for these two. *

Alex: I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a huge ovation in my life.

King: I have, I got a bigger one on my debut, these new stars know nothing about crowd reactions.

[Angel tries to jump Venis, but both Venis and Extreme turn and stare at Angel who takes a few steps back and tries to reason with them. Venis and Extreme look at each other, nod and deliver punches to Angel. Angel falls and slides out the ring. Hell’s Guardian comes in as Venis leaves the ring. Extreme and Guardian look at each other, Extreme then grabs Guardian’s legs and takes him down, followed up by a few shots to the head. He then gets back up, and tags in Big Venis. Venis jumps over the top rope and poses for the crowds who give him a small pop. He turns to guardian who is on a knee; Venis delivers a powerful right hand before lifting Guardian and whipping him into the ropes followed up by a shoulder back toss. Venis falls and holds his shoulders, Guardian crawls to the corner and tags in Arch Angel. Arch Angel walks in and stands over Venis, he begins to move with great confidence as if to show he has full power over Venis. He then lifts Venis and applies a headlock to him, he follows this up with a hard right hand. Venis falls to the mat, as Angel stomps away at Venis abit. He then goes to the top rope and delivers a leg drop off the top. Venis rolls around the ring holding his throat as Angel goes for the cover 1…. 2…Extreme breaks the pin just in time. The ref sends Extreme out, but during this Guardian comes in and gorilla press slams Venis onto the mat. Extreme tries to tell the ref there was interference by Guardian, but the referee continues to try and force Extreme out the ring. Finally Extreme leaves, and begins cheering up Venis. Angel lifts Venis, and goes for a vertical suplex but Venis reverses and delivers one to Arch Angel. Extreme then gets pumped up, and reaches for Venis. Venis eventually gets the tag, as Extreme runs in and begins to stomp away at Angel in the corner, he then runs at Hell’s Guardian and shoulder blocks him off the apron.]

Alex: Wow, Extreme out for the kill right now!

[Guardian enters the ring and nails a forearm to the back of the head. Extreme falls, as Guardian turns him, and nails a hard powerbomb. The referee is trying to force Guardian out the ring, Guardian turns and stares down at the ref. He grabs him by the head and shoves the ref over and out the ring. Venis then springs in the ring, and takes out Guardian’s knee. Arch Angel slides out the ring, and pulls a sledgehammer out the ring. He slides back in and goes to nail Venis, but Venis ducks and Angel catches Hell’s Guardian with the hammer, Guardian falls out cold and ends up outside the ring. Angel turns back to Venis who gives a kick to the mid-section, Angel drops the sledgehammer and Venis picks it up. Angel crawls back to try and avoid getting hit, but to no avail as Extreme is behind Angel. Angel is stuck between Venis and Extreme. Extreme whips Angel into the ropes and Venis cracks Angel over the head with it. Angel is laid out with blood pouring out his forehead. Extreme covers Angel as Venis revives the ref. Cover 1…2…3]


*“Raise Up” by Saliva hits the PA system, as Venis and Extreme gather some beers. They pose on the top ropes and start necking the beers, throwing some cans into the crowd*

Alex: Well through a hard fought match up Venis and Extreme have finally beaten the New Church and when Arch Angel and Hell’s Guardian come to, I don’t think they’ll be too pleased.

King: Well that was a big match, but Venis and Extreme had to cheat to win.

Alex: I wouldn’t say cheat; they were giving Arch Angel what he deserved.

*Camera shoots to the corridor, MR WS leaves his room but calls into the room*

MR WS: Right you sure you know what to do?

???: Hey I’m a pro at these things

MR WS: That is true, I’ll see you in the ring

*MR WS closes the door and walks towards the entrance ramp with a cocky smile on his face.*

Alex: Well now is the time, we’re going to find out who MR WS chose as the special guest referee.


*The arena lights cut out, as two walls of fire take off either side of the entranceway. “Back in Black” hits the PA system, as MR WS emerges from the fire. The crowd go wild for him as he is strutting quite cockily. He enters the ring, and grabs a mic, he has a beaming smile on his face that he can’t take away.*

MR WS: Well, well, well now it’s time for you all to find out who MR WS has chosen to be the special enforcer for the “Burn In Hell” Match at Raging Storm. *crowd chant “DUDSTER DUDSTER”. MR WS laughs to himself* No, no as much as I’d love to referee a match that The Bullet is in, I have found someone even better. Because you see when The Bullet announced that he wanted a “Burn in Hell” match, with Destroy The Spinless I thought “yea this is going to be good TV.” but when Paul West came to me and said he didn’t want to officiate it, I had a look in the past records of Burn in Hell matches. And I looked and I looked, and I found that there has been only one before in history. And I also found the name of the man who created them, and I realised that he was a good friend of mine. So I called him up on the phone, and asked him if he wanted to be the referee for the match, and he said “Damn Right I wanna be”. But who could it be? Well without future ado, allow me to introduce, the creator of the Burn in Hell match and the Owner of the ICWF………..GRAVE TAVERN!!

*“Herecomtha Gravedigga” by DDS hits the PA system as Grave Tavern comes out onto the entrance ramp. The fans go wild for the ICWF owner, and MR WS is going insane with excitement for him. Tavern walks down the ramp, and into the ring, MR WS holds his hand out and Tavern shakes it. MR WS hands him the mic and applauds Tavern*


King: NO WAY! He’s too good to be here.

Tavern: Yes it’s me, Grave Tavern. *crowd cheer* and I am here in the FWF for one reason, not to wrestle. I’m not even signed here I’m here to do my job and referee the Burn in Hell match at Raging Storm. And I have given my word to MR WS that I will call this match right down the middle

MR WS: Well a little in Spinless’s favour ai Tavern

Tavern: Hehe, well that’s for us to find out Dudster. But the next time you will see me is in this ring at Raging Storm. *crowd boo*

MR WS: What? Your not coming to the build up shows?

Tavern: Sorry MR WS, but I have work in the ICWF attend to.

MR WS: Well ok then, thanks again for taking this job.

Tavern: Hey if I can’t compete in the second Burn in Hell match, then I’m delighted to officiate it.

MR WS: So basically, The American Nightmare Grave Tavern is coming to Raging Storm and that is one thing and one thing only…….UNLUCKY FOR YOU!

*“Back in Black” hits the PA system as MR WS and Tavern leave the ring. They turn and pose for the fans at the top of the ramp, before leaving for the backstage area.

Alex: Well as you can see the cage is slowly being lowered down to the ring for our next match up. The co-owner of FWF, The Bullet, is going to go one on one with the monster that is Nightmare.

King: That’s right and there is no telling what Nightmare may do to The Bullet, knowing that hes been put into this match by Mr WS.

Wright: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is the Steel Cage match. Introducing first the Co-owner of the FWF and member of The New Church...THE BULLET.

*“Shoot Me Again” by Metallica hits the PA system as The Bullet slowly makes his way to the ring, his face looks worried as he realises what he has got himself into.*

Alex: Hey King unless I’m mistaken it appears Bullet is refusing to get in the cage. He may change his mind when Nightmare finally comes out.

Wright: And his opponent...

*The lights go out in the arena and pyrotechnics goes off scaring Bullet inside the cage. The lights slowly return as we see Bullet watching the entrance, not realising Nightmare is already in the cage, right behind him.*

King: Bullet doesn’t realise he’s a living nightmare waiting behind him.

[Bullet turns around thinking Nightmare no-showed, only to get floored with a right hand. Nightmare continues dominating, “ricocheting” The Bullet off the cage walls. Bullet is already bleeding heavily as he staggers around the ring in a daze before being caught in a side slam.]

Alex: Well I think it’s safe to say that this match has been all Nightmare thus far, and looks as though it may stay that way.

King: Hey you never wanna count the Bullet out of any fight, he knows a trick or two for any situation.

Alex: Well he better pull one out quick because it looks as though Nightmare may be signalling for Hell’s Fury.

[Nightmare lifts Bullet high onto his shoulder but Bullet is miraculously able to slide free and catch Nightmare with a devastating low blow from behind.]

King: OUCH. I think I felt that one sitting here.

Alex: Well that will definitely slow down Nightmare, but I doubt it will stop him.

[Bullet begins to climb the cage and reaches the top. Suddenly MR WS makes his way to the stage, stopping Bullet in his tracks. Bullet shouts abuse in MR WS’s direction when Nightmare grabs his left leg.]

King: This is really getting dangerous now.

[Nightmare and Bullet trade shots standing on the top rope. Bullet catches a thumb to the eye, but while he takes a split second to boast Nightmare grabs Bullet by the throat and delivers a spine shattering chokeslam to the canvas.]

Alex: My God that echoed throughout the entire arena! Nightmare has this thing done now.

[Nightmare signals toward the door but suddenly stops and stairs at Bullet’s prone body. Nightmare then looks out to the crowd and signals for Hell’s Fury again. He drags the lifeless Bullet off the canvas and delivers Hell’s Fury.]

Alex: This thing is done, over and in the books!

[Nightmare casually exits the cage and steps out to the arena floor.]


*“Tool” by Aenema hits the PA system, as MR WS comes down the ramp and congratulates Nightmare at ringside and then trash talks at Bullet through the cage.*

Wright: Here is your winner...NIGHTMARE.

*Crowd cheer*

King: Mr. WS is certainly enjoying this moment, but what’s with Nightmare?

*Suddenly Nightmare throws Mr WS face first into the cage. The Crowd boo at this*

Alex: What the hell is this?

Nightmare:*While kicking Mr WS repeatedly* I DON’T FOLLOW ANYONES ORDERS, I MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!!!

*Suddenly from the top of the ramp appears……..Grave Tavern!! The fans explode as he runs down the entrance ramp and flings Nightmare into the cage, he then grabs Nightmare and takes him up onto the announce table. While on here he delivers the Grave Digger through the table.*

Alex: Oh My! Our table is destroyed with the body of a helpless Nightmare

*Then from backstage runs Lexi, the fans go wild as she runs down and checks on MR WS*


King: I thought she was dead

*Lexi and Tavern check on MR WS as Flaming goes off the air*